Cruising the East Coast: Beginning our Cross Country Adventure

Our move to California would not be the same without a little adventure so we set off on a month-long exploration of the US beginning with the East Coast. It is human nature to be in one place and never even get the chance to discover your surroundings. We found this was true for many […]
California Dreaming

Time flies! I can’t believe it has been three months since we’ve returned to D.C. from our South American adventure. I had been trying to catch up with the blog so that everything didn’t blend in together but soon you will be receiving a fusion of posts. Although it feels like we just got here, I’m […]
Penguin Paradise in Punta Arenas, Chile

A 2.5-hour flight from Puerto Varas brought us to Punta Arenas a sleepy port town located on the Strait of Magellan. For us the flight was a better alternative to the 30+ hour bus ride down to southern Patagonia and provided us with some incredible views. Although the city itself leaves a lot to be […]
How to Visit Puerto Varas on a Tight Schedule

The next stop on our picturesque Patagonian adventure brought us to Puerto Varas, a scenic city located on the gorgeous Llanquihue Lake. As if that weren’t enough of a feast for the eyes the stunning Calbuco and Osorno volcanoes tower over the city providing an incredible panorama. The German inspired Architecture throughout Puerto Varas also […]
Where to Find a Good Beer While Traveling in South America

Beer– It’s not really the first thing that comes to mind when you think of South America right? Pisco, caipirinhas, aguardiente, wines from Mendoza…. now that’s more fitting. Anyone who knows me knows I appreciate a good (and strong) quality beer. During our trip around South America I was always on the hunt for a place […]
Top 5 Experiences in Bariloche, Argentina

On our way down Patagonia we decided to visit Bariloche, a gorgeous Swiss-like city in Argentina. While traveling there from Pucon we traversed Parque Nacional Nahuel Huapi near the Chilean-Argentinian border and were already blown away by the scenery. The sights in and around the city itself did not disappoint either and were some of the most […]
Adventures in Pucón, Chile

We were finally Patagonia bound but first we decided to make a quick stop in the gorgeous lakes region of Chile and visit Pucón. Known as a hub for adventure seekers, Pucón is a cool city where you could find a variety of activities varying from skiing, rafting, rappelling, hiking up a volcano crater or […]
The End of Our Journey– For Now…

“And when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.” – Paulo Coelho That’s right. That’s how this whole trip manifested itself. It starts with the desire to do something, a great idea, some creativity and a bit of positive thinking. That is how this blog began, how we […]
Surprises in Santiago

Chile’s capital of Santiago presented us with surprises both good and not so good. Like most large cities Santiago has some higher end neighborhoods juxtaposed with lower-income areas that are just as lovely in their grit and character. We were able to experience both ends of the spectrum while visiting this city a little longer than expected. […]
How to Visit Rapa Nui on a Budget (Easter Island)

Like Galapagos, Easter Island was one of the more expensive destinations we visited during our trip. The airfare, pricey accommodations and costly meals can quickly add up and feel like a punch in the gut to the average backpacker. However, the trip is completely worth every penny as it is one of the most magnificent […]